
Mint Images
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

One can find harmony in all aspects of life. Photos that illustrate balance, tranquility, compatibility, kinship & symmetry can also illustrate "Harmony". Special consideration will be given to images that feature "Harmony" as it relates to people.

Mint Images is about telling stories about the world we live in. Our photographers are master storytellers that are passionate about capturing our world in a unique, authentic and visually compelling manner.
(Please note that recognizable people and places must have signed Model and Property releases.)
All nominated images will be considered for co-exclusivity in the Mint Images collection for licensing to its world-class clients and partners throughout the globe.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Photo Size :
10MP+ (ex: 3648x2736px+)
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Paid Post to Instagram :
I agree that my photos will be co-exclusive to this StudioNow Photo Partner :
Conceptual Home Kids Leisure Lifestyle Nature People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

8 years ago - Thanks very much, look forward to working with you more in the future.
8 years ago - Hi @Lance, @56d2acc8e61304b1358be732. Congratulations! You have been selected by Mint Images as the winner for our Request!! :-) We have made payment for your image. Thank you for your submissions, and please do look out for our further Requests - we’d love to see many more of your images!
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination.
8 years ago - @Kirill. You can continue to post your images in personal portfolios, such as on 500px or Flickr, though not for commercial licensing. The commercial exclusivity is between you, Snapwire and Mint Images.
8 years ago - @Mint Images. Thank you for the nomination. Quick question. Does the exclusivity means i cant use my pictures in personal portfolio somewhere like 500px or Flickr?
8 years ago - @Mint - Awesome! Thank you for the nomination!
8 years ago - Really appreciate the nominations!
9 years ago - Thanks so much for all your great images! Please continue to review the Creative Brief, three Inspirational Images, and Nominated Images for creative guidance. Continue to send more great images in, thank you!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination much appreciated.
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination:)
9 years ago - Tks for your patience. Yes,understand Snapwire get's their % of what you give us from a sale you make. I'm not asking for specific amount but what % of whatever you get do you share with photographer/Snapwire of the sale you make? Surely Frans and Art know what the deal is when involving themselves.
9 years ago - Mint Images is a group of seasoned photo professionals with over 100 years commercial licensing experience together, and includes Nat Geo photographers such as Frans Lanting and Art Wolfe. For further examples of our work, see https://issuu.com/mintimages
9 years ago - Terms are as per your terms of use with Snapwire. Mint's prices vary with its clients and partners, so its impossible to be be specific.
9 years ago - Tks for your response. Followed your link, I still don't see a fee schedule of any sort for our images. Unknown terms, unknown fees? I can't find links to any actual existing library on your site? Earlier you stated "terms and conditions will be made clear" Sorry, very vague to me still. U Startup?
9 years ago - To confirm, Mint is a premium agency, and its licensing terms and prices reflect this. Mint is aligned with its contributors interests and always endeavours to achieve the maximum sales possible. This is reflected in the world-class photographers and images at www.mintimages.com.
9 years ago - $200 for the single winning image is to be shared between it and Snapwire, as per the terms of use with Snapwire. For the images selected, and Mint subsequently licenses, the sum remitted to Snapwire and you depends on the terms and price Mint achieves, which is variable and on a case by case basis
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination, much appreciated!
9 years ago - Thank's for your response, yes that helps, but more specifics would be appreciated. Is the $200 net to photographer? What "portion" of your licensing fee goes to photographer? Can you point us to your fee schedule we'd be sharing from? Questions are for a clear understanding of the request. Tks..
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination! :)
9 years ago - thank you for the nomination!!
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations!
9 years ago - Woohoo!! Thanks for the nomination!!!! 😍
9 years ago - Hi Bill, the winning image receives a $200 award from Mint Images. This, and all other nominated images, will be considered for licensing co-exclusively with Snapwire and Mint Images, its clients and partners. A portion of licensing fees achieved will be shared with selected images. Hope this helps!
9 years ago - Question ... can you clarify or point me to a specific explanation of what happens to an image if nominated? We get a $200 award (less Snapwire commission) .. then what? Are you reselling/licencing the image? Do we get a percentage from those sales or just how does this all work? Thanks
9 years ago - Hi there, All nominated images will be considered for co-exclusivity in the Mint Images collection for licensing to its world-class clients and partners throughout the globe just like the Getty challenges. Terms and conditions will be made clear.
9 years ago - @mintimages sorry for the misspelling, now seems live again, sorry for the confusion
9 years ago - Can you please clarify if the Briefs for Mint Images are like the Getty ones; ie will nominated images by co-exclusive to Snapwire and Mint Images?