Ambassador Challenge - Colorful Portraits

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Colorful Portraits: The best photo will be awarded $250. In addition, I'll be choosing the most creative shots for the Snapwire Premium Collection.

One of my favorite things about portraits is their ability to evoke emotion and portray feeling. In addition to submitting colorful portraits in the literal sense, try to make me feel what the person you photograph feels. Connect with strangers and with the people you love; capture personalities, moods, and beauty. Find great lighting for your portraits and snap a lot of shots โ€“ your perfect photo could happen candidly. I like to edit my portraits with the VSCO app, and use those tones to increase the feeling of the overall image. Feel free to ask me questions in the comment section โ€“ Good luck!

Kids People Portraiture
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

11 years ago - Hey guys thanks for all the great submissions, I had a blast seeing all of them. Azlif Mohamed won this challenge, but there were so many great submissions it was hard to choose just one winner! Thanks everyone for playing along.
11 years ago - Hi guys what happens after a photo is nominated ?
11 years ago - These portraits just make me happy. Glad to see some great shots nominated. Can't wait to see which is chosen.
11 years ago - Hi Daลกa!
11 years ago - Hey Nei!
11 years ago - Go Erin! Yay!
11 years ago - This is fun! Thanks for the invite!
11 years ago - I'm thrilled to participate in this ambassador challenge!!! Fantastic photos I've seen here!!! Good luck to all!!!
11 years ago - Some great images coming through.
11 years ago - Hey Tyler! Daniel will be also picking photos for the premium collection, which means they could get picked and eventually purchased from there :)
11 years ago - Having a blast looking at all the photos. Great choice for a request. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
11 years ago - How do you get permission on a photo already posted?
11 years ago - Yeah Tyler, you must have permission to submit. :)
11 years ago - Justin, non-human portraits would be fun to see!
11 years ago - Odd question here: Do these have to be human portraits?
11 years ago - From what I have experienced, you have to agree you have their permission when you upload. If you don't, then it blocks you from uploading.
11 years ago - Since this is more of a reward, do we need permission from the subject of the portrait? I have several that I'd like to submit but I'd rather not ask if the photo isn't really being purchased. Thanks! :)
11 years ago - So many wonderful entries already!
11 years ago - It's a great challenge!
11 years ago - I'm so glad to have everyone who's commenting here and submitting photos involved with & showing so much support for this challenge! Thank you Nei for helping to spread the word!
11 years ago - The photos submitted don't need to be mobile only, if you know me I am a big fan of mobile photography, but that is not a requirement and won't be an influence in my decision when it comes time to choose a winner. I'm just looking for great "colorful" portraits.
11 years ago - Hi Daniel! I love portraits and want to introduce myself. I'm Nei. I also sent all my invites to my friends and asked the to spread the word. Cheers!
11 years ago - Should these portraits be mobile-only or any mode/format?
11 years ago - This is so awesome Daniel. May have to dig into the archive for some portraits from the last few months. Thanks for heading this one on!!
11 years ago - Loving all of these images coming through!
11 years ago - Nice one Dew! โœจ๐Ÿ‘
11 years ago - I totally agree! What an amazing idea!
11 years ago - Thanks Daniel! Love the idea of ambassador challenges. And thanks for making it portraits, they never get enough love!
11 years ago - Hey guys, welcome to my Colorful Portraits Challenge. I wanted to let you know that on the Web App - (, you have 3 invites of your own to distribute to your photographer friends. We are already seeing a lot of great colorful portraits and are looking forward to seeing more. Good luck!