Jeffrey Simpson

  • Focus1
  • Fryeburg Maine
  • Ambassador - Elite
  • 29578pts

Creative Statement

In a nutshell:

Jeffrey Simpson, Badass iPhoneographer (shoot and edit with my iPhone only) with a B&W addiction. Professor of iPhoneography and ‘Basics and Beyond’ Course Designer with the desire to keep the magic alive by capturing IT and inspiring the world to do so one click at a time.

A little more:

I’ve never been much of a writer, so this will be brief; which is precisely why I grabbed a camera back in high school. Photography has always been a way for me to see the world through my own creative lens. Capture what I see, feel, and want to share with the world. Back in those days, I carried my camera with me everywhere, photography class was the only class I ever showed up to, and spent my free time in the dark room. Fast forward a couple of decades to life as a busy dad, husband, worker, etc and somewhere along the way, the photography got away from me. Splurged on a top of the line DSLR a few years ago, dabbled a bit, broke a lens, and in the midst of a move across country to Austin, TX (and back 7 months later) I began shooting with my iPhone. This not only became the most versatile little gadget for me, but ignited that creative spark and got my mojo flowing again to that side of me that sees everything as a photo.

Inspired by the notion of making my art my everyday way of living, I am psyched to offer professional photo sessions, photo editing services, and iPhoneography classes. Gimme a shout…leave me a comment….if there is anything I like almost as much as photography is talking about it and teaching others how to use an iPhone to discover an inner artist.
