Ahmed tamim

  • Ahmdtemo09
  • Explorer
  • 0pts
  • Nature
  • Portraiture
  • Buildings
  • Animals
  • Health Care
  • Home and Garden
  • Landscape

Creative Statement

Nature is magic. As a photographer, I strive to capture beautiful moments, express emotion through art, and provide lasting memories for my clients. I have years of experience creating lasting photographic memories for clients in a variety of different settings including weddings, graduations, family portraits, headshots, and more. Every photo I take is unique and I take great care to use lighting, angles, and professional equipment to create art that is vibrant and captures its subject in the most captivating way. Every shoot is unique and I take great care to provide my clients with exceptional customer service as each shoot comes with its own creative challenges. No matter the occasion, I will capture your memories in the most stunning way possible.

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