Carlitos Way

  • CarlitosWay
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Shooter
  • 402pts
  • Reportage
  • Street
  • Travel

Creative Statement

Photography focusing on street photography and photo-events based in London.

My work has mainly been devoted to documenting a great number of events around the world where I have been capturing people’s experiences and their cultural environments in order to understand the world through a socio–cultural lens. Catching people’s emotions is the field that I find most exciting and most interesting. Grasping human feelings and working on documentaries are my greatest passions, and the key thing that I would like to achieve.

By being a photographer, I consider myself as a story teller by soaking up the core significance of my images, treasuring or freezing those priceless moments that often go unnoticed in front of our eyes, thus achieving to show them realistically and naturally.

I've been also travelling through a parallel path of photography which helps me to unveil another creative side of my devotion as my strong interest has always been the visual arts, graphic design and illustration with a special focus on branding and corporate image.

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