Jeanette Jolley, also known as ReelTraveller, has worn many hats over her 18+ years in the entertainment industry, working in over 82 countries. Jeanette has produced many national television broadcasts such as: Emmy nominated Ocean Treks with Jeff Corwin, Emmy Award Winning ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, CNBC’s Blue Collar Millionaires, DirecTV CMA Red Carpet & Hank Williams Jr. Special, FOX Trading Spouses, and many more. She has also produced and directed several commercials with clients such as Chevrolet, La-z-boy, Kraft, Hilton, Marriott, Hilton, and countless other brands.
Jeanette was adopted as a young baby in Orange County, California and is an advocate for orphan & foster care children worldwide. Jeanette splits her time between Los Angeles and Nashville.