Marilyn Wynn

  • NativeStock
  • Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Advanced
  • 500pts

Creative Statement

As a professional photographer my specialty documents Native American Indian cultures and contemporary lifestyles. Some of this body of work are dreamlike photographs that are set-up reenactments of Native people dressed in ancestral regalia. However, most of my image collection features contemporary achievements and modern day lifestyles of tribal members and their communities. This is the largest image collection of it's kind and have been used on projects by the who’s who in publishing. This client list includes Time-Life, Simon & Schuster, National Geographic, Sunset Magazine, Indian Health Services, History Channel and the Kellogg Foundation. Equipped with cameras and a sense of humor, I visit tribal communities with great compassion and understanding. This helps me to meet and photograph Native people of all ages who open their homes and share handed-down customs. Through this self chosen career I’ve been honored to visit hundreds of reservations and Indian Nations. By attending special events, I’ve a great opportunity to meet significant American Indian leaders, college professors, FBI agents, actors, artisans, counselors, CEO’s, business owners, engineers, doctors, lawyers and politicians. This list of professionals who make a positive difference for their people is long and continues to grow. First Nations people have helped me to create this huge body of work which eventually this collection will end up in Washington DC at the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. How glorious is that!
