Nancy Gerwig

  • Nmgerwig
  • Commerce, Ga
  • Explorer
  • 0pts
  • Nature

Creative Statement

Finding my passion for photography early in life, I have always had a special connection with nature. I can seem find some of the smallest hidden wonders that most people will just over look and then my imagination runs wild and creates a story about each one. Dot’s Journey, for example, a image of a bright green caterpillar with black dots on its side, making its journey across the wilderness. Determined to find a better place, somewhere she can build a home and have a life where there are no lawn mowers. No obstacles will stand in her way! It was taken one day in our yard while my husband was cutting grass. A ten minute hike can take me a hour if there’s enough battery in my camera and there always is! I guess everyone has thier own way of finding peace and relaxation and being in nature with my camera is mine!

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