Samuel Regan

  • Samuel_E_Regan
  • Samuel Regan; Arcadia CA
  • Explorer
  • 0pts
  • Aerial
  • Adventure
  • Conceptual
  • Food and Drink
  • Landscape
  • Landmarks
  • Lifestyle
  • Travel
  • Underwater
  • Cities and Regions

Creative Statement

A moment in time.
Photography is all about capturing moments in time, small, seemingly insignificant amounts of time that can capture so much. Intense, remarkable, powerful, eliquinte, indescribable moments, that can only be shown through picture. Feelings that can only be expressed through images. Within a moment we have the ability to capture change, changes in ourselves and changes in the world.
Have you ever heard the term a picture worth a thousand words, it truly is amazing how accurate that is. A perfect example of this is a picture of the sunset, the multitude of shades from light to dark, the beautiful contrast, and the blood red sun all come together to compose something bigger than ourselves. A beautiful panoramic that is truly beyond words or the scope of most people's dictionary. Human emotions, feelings like joy, anger, sadness, and fear that are simple yet intricately complex can all be captured in a single moment. It’s within these photos that we can relive and reminisce upon our best moments, and see how far we've come from our worst. Moments like this, moments you can't describe with words that I have a burning desire to capture.

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