Amy Bond

  • ajblondie08
  • Wyomissing, Pennsylvania
  • Shooter
  • 110pts

Creative Statement

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny." I absolutely Love being a mommie.. I miss when my children were little enough to get tubbies and read them piles of bedtime stories.. I dis-like talking on the phone , please dont take it personal. I'm the kinda friend that can pick up right where we left off no matter how much time in between us. You could call me at any hour and if you needed me i would be there for you.. I love getting to know people, Im a great listener and live by the rule of .. do unto others as you would want done to you.
I Have been a Vegetarian since im 10.. I studied Holistic Health,Reflexology, Human Anatomy, nutrition and health and fitness.. it's my way of life it s that simple .... I always considered myself a well rounded athlete , I love being "Noticed" when I feel like being "Noticed" lol..I am a jack of all trades kinda woman and i master a few...Im very determined ,I never give up, I dont ever judge people I pray for changes on their behalf ,my faith is strong I know God has our life plan figured out . Learning the hard way my life lessons. I am thankful for non material things.. my children, my boyfriend he is truely my loml , my family Blessings to me always

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