Brittany Tremor

  • brittanytremor
  • Commerce, Texas
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

writing, taking and developing film

I'm usually quiet when I first meet someone :P but when you do know me I'm sometimes loud...yea i'm loud, and some say I'm funny :P

Grave-Robber: Goth opera.
Grave-Robber: Blood saga.
Grave-Robber: Sometimes I wonder how we ever got here.
Grave-Robber: Old grudges.
Grave-Robber: Scorned lovers.
Grave-Robber: Sometimes I wonder why we don't all move on!
Grave-Robber: 'Cause we all end up in a tiny pine box.
Grave-Robber: A mighty small drop in a mighty dark plot.
Grave-Robber: And the mighty fine print hastens the trip to our epilogue.
Chorus: Epilogue!

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