Lana Demler

  • dolsab34
  • Topeka, Kansas
  • Shooter
  • 24pts

Creative Statement

I am a single mom with two great lil girls, they are my backbone. they drive me to do what is right. no matter how much it hurts.

I wear my heart on my sleave, and my music will tell you how i am feeling. I am an introvert, with two kids. If you want to get to know me you will have to get past my shyness as well my wall and my insecurities. I am emotional and needy and very clingy. I stay at home and prefer it that way I love to watch movies and tv. I read and write a lot. I procrastinate and I am broke, I also live in a bedroom at my moms with my two girls. Yes, I am currently trying to get back on my feet, and yes,I am depressed as well as agoraphobic, antisocial, and no I have no friends and speak to hardly anyone at all.