Mike Modifica

  • eclipsewhatsleft
  • Berlin, Connecticut
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

Lets see I am who I am that’s all I want to be and all I will ever be and they best way for you to know about me is to talk to me or something along those lines but I shall try to tell you to the best of my abilities. I am a person who tries to live by a set of morels although that is not always the easiest thing to do. Some of which consists of I will do any thing in my power to be there for my friends even if it puts me at a disadvantage, I will never infringe on there goals be it job or relationships or anything in between, I try and do the morally right thing even at personal loss to me, I keep my friends trust in me but will not lie about what they say what they tell me is there concern and no one else's. There are more but I see no point in typing all of them. I am no saint I have violated these before and most likely will do so again but I do regret it. I have a love for music even if I don't really like it I can appreciate it and I believe that any and all music serves a purpose in your life at one point or another. I love movies they are one of my major passions. I can’t spell but I do get my point across one way or another. I talk with music like you can tell how I feel about you by what I put on. I go on a lot of road trips witch have showed me there is a lot more to life and the world around me then most people see. I am trusting, crazy, spontaneous, apathetic, considerate, sarcastic, shy, outgoing (even thought that negates my previous statement), insecure, arrogant, kind, cruel, genuine, lost, funny, creative, unique, tired, and random to name a few traits I have. But over all I am flawed just like you and every one else. One other I am a hopeless romantic for what ever that’s worth. I have noted that it’s worth not much to anybody other then me. I more often then not put then ahead of me looking for nothing in return. Now this may be a flaw in the views of my friends and others but I am content in doing so. I have been burned a few time and quite badly but to the point where I will give up at lest not yet. Is there more I could write here most likely but you can’t fit a person in an about me box so I will leave it at that.