Erikka Lindberg

  • erikkalindberg7
  • Edmonds, Washington
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

I spent many years judging myself, trying to change things about myself that never needed changing, being pessimistic and sad. It's been a couple years now that I decided that was not the life I wanted to be living. I am often told these days how depressing or pessimistic I am but what people neglect to understand about me is I am simply okay. I can find peace in my bad health. It will be okay. I can find peace in my relationships because they'll be okay. I look at the world in a realistic manner and do my best to always look at life through the eyes of others and not just my own. My whole heart believes that what happens to me happens for a great purpose often which I don't understand, and that God will not give me anything I cannot handle. I've made it to 25 with many illnesses and many hard times so why would God start throwing me goals now that I could never reach or desires I can never have? He won't. He'll walk with me or carry me through my hard times. What's meant to be always happens in the end.

"Love me for me because I won't change for you:)"

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