Gabby Ochoa

  • gabby89
  • La Vista, Nebraska
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

You only live once in life so take advantage of the little things that matter most! Experience and enjoy it by being spantenuous, positive, and outgoing! Always have a smile on your face regardless of any given situation bc things happens for certain reasons that cannot be explained. Cherish the good and let go of that bad, bc negativity is like poison to the mind and soul. Trust those that give you reasons to believe they deserve not only your respect but honesty as well. It is Extremely treasureable once you've found it, so trust no one till they prove you wrong and belive till action has been taken, instead of outspoken nonsense promising words! LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE!

Im an over thinker when it comes to making decisions that cross my way. I go by the rule, think before you act bc you really never know how a bad decision or action can impact you or those around you!

Time is the one thing I apreciate the most in life. Hate waisting it and the fact that it can't be extended! If someone or something isn't worth your time, let it go. Move on to bigger and better things that will make your life worth waiting for :)!

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