{Kath-her-ine) You can call her Katherine, Kat, Kit-Kat, or Kitty Kat. Do not call her Kathy, Katy, Katie or any other variation of Katherine.
She's shy when you first meet her, and for good reason. She's un-trusting of everyone. She doesn't really care if you don't like her, but what she does care about is honest. If you have the balls to say it to her face, she'll respect your opinion...and gracefully walk away.
She is humble, down to the core. She doesn't want diamonds, fancy things or your money. She wants your time, your respect and your love. That's about as honest as it gets.
Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse 'I love you', go work..do your best, and never lose your common sense. Love like crazy.