Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.
I bare a lot of sins on me. Some of which on my body, but almost all on my heart. And how shall i be judged? By the man I was, the man I was not, or by the man I could have been? No one knows but I hope I will be judged as the man who tried to be more than he could or should have been. Or as the man who would have given up everything just to see how far he could sink himself, to see how long he could last. Through my sins come lessons, and through those lessons come embarrassment. You learn more from it, embarrassment, I think anyway. It lets you know that you are still alive, because you when you are truly embarrassed you feel like wanting to die. And nothing reminds you more that you are alive than wanting to die. Don't get me wrong, I love life, every minute every second, but that fear of never wanting to feel embarrassment sometimes just isn't enough. I need to feel embarrassed from time to time. Not purposefully,but when it happens, it helps me to remember that I have more to give and more to hope for next time.