Davis Clark

  • scootyscoots
  • Greenville, South Carolina
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

I'm a christian, nothing can tear me away from that. Not the mistakes I have made in my past, not someone tearing me down for being who I really am, and not even the people who say he can't be christian God doesn't condone who he is. I'm not a Christian because my family told me to be, I'm not a Christian because society pushed me into it. I am a christian because God came into my life and showed me how great he really is, showed me the path I needed to be on, and what the real meaning of us being on this world is. You can say what you want about who I am, or my life decisions, however; that then makes you a sinner. You are sitting there judging someone because they are different from what you feel is a true Christian, and saying that their sins will keep them from the kingdom of God. It says in the bible no sin is bigger than the other they are all sins, and those sins are forgiven. You say Gods love is unconditional, then why isn't the love you show unconditional? I worship differently than you, that doesn't mean I am worshiping the wrong way, neither does it mean that for you. It simply means we are all different, we all have our ways of seeing the light and being closer to God. To all of you who your church won't let you be a part of something, or judges you for who you are, I apologize on their behalf. That isn't a true church, or true Christians. A True Christian doesn't say who should and shouldn't be a part of that congregation, they should welcome in with open arms anyone and everyone. Not all Christians are like that, not all churches are like that. I know what you are going through, I was there too. It gets better, don't give up on your faith because how you are treated at a Church or by a church family. Keep your head up, and you will find that Christian group who is actually a true loving group, a non judgmental crowd of true Christians.

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