Lisa Pearlman

  • scorpiol13
  • Worcester, Massachusetts
  • Explorer
  • 0pts
  • Nature
  • Landscape
  • Fine Art
  • Abstract
  • Architecture
  • Buildings
  • Seasons
  • Urban
  • Plants

Creative Statement

My passions include writing, reading, social media, iphoneography, Love, Peace, Eastern philosophy, meditation, animal rights, human rights, music (most genres), culture of HipHop, poetry & ccreative artistry. I channel my creativity thru online social media, creating online content to inspire others, advocate for and spread awareness of worthy causes, and to promote compassion & social change globally. I believe LOVE has the power to heal all suffering.

I am a college graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology/Sociology. I have worked most of my life in human services. I was employed as a Mental Health Counselor/Residential Case Manager for adults suffering from severe mental illness (Providence, Rhode Island) as well as working as a Correctional Counselor for incarcerated males at MCI-Norfolk (Massachusetts State Prison) and Worcester County Jail & House of Corrections. A creative wordsmith and natural-born writer for as long as I can remember, as well as a diehard dreamer and visionary, I am currently pursuing my life-long passion for artistic expression through my creative endeavors which include freelance writing, poetry, social media blogging, iphoneography and content creation/curation. I advocate for Animal Rights, Human Rights, Peace, Anti-Bullying Programs, Non-Violence, Marijuana Legalization, and Treatment & Rehabilitation for addicts and criminals. Incarceration is neither "Corrective" nor "Rehabilitative"... it is the Restriction of Freedom, through warehousing society's "undesirables." To effectively reduce Recidivism, we must place offenders in the LEAST restrictive setting necessary for protection & safety of the public, with emphasis on Rehabilitative Programs that focus on cognitive-behavioral restructuring and prosocial education. Offenders' sentences should be proportionate to their criminal offense, criminal history & propensity for violence. I believe anyone & everyone is capable of change, given their willingness and the right opportunity. I support early intervention, prevention, and education as means to reduce the number of at-risk youth before they get caught up in the vicious cycle of addiction and the criminal justice system.

I love all music, but am particularly interested in HipHop music and its evolution, culture, and intricate wordplay; I respect alot of the artists for overcoming adversity and "keeping it real." I am always straight up, 100% real with everyone, and I treat all sentient beings (human or animal) with respect & compassion. #OneLove! These days I do my best to avoid negativity & drama, I have no use, time or space in my life for phony/2-faced people or Haters...keep it moving...I'm Doing Me now! I am spiritual, but not religious. If I were to choose one core belief or value system to live by, I would choose Buddhism as my spiritual guide. I live my life with passion, compassion & gratitude, embracing the Buddhist philosophy on life and death, but I respect all religions that center around Unconditional Love, Compassion, Empathy, and Kindness. I find more comfort and wisdom in the ancient Eastern philosophies than in modern Western Thought.

My Favorite music artists: Eminem, The Game, T.I., Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Paul McCartney, Pink Floyd, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Staind, David Bowie, Green Day, Lady Gaga...

My role models/heroes: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Lao Tzu, Confucious, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Deepak Chopra, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Gabrielle Bernstein, Jack Kerouac, Marshall Mathers, M.I.A., Bill Clinton, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Drew Barrymore, Robert Kennedy Sr., Hillary Clinton, Bono, Bob Geldof, Keith Richards, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain...

Books that changed my life: Doors of Perception (Aldous Huxley), Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger), The Little Prince (Antoine St. Exupery), Wherever You Go, There You Are (Jon Kabat Zinn), The Secret (Rhonda Byrne), The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield), Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (Richard Carlson), Do You (Russell Simmons), Codependency No More (Melody Beattie)

Quotes: "Be the Change you Wish to See in the World." ~ Gandhi
