Shaun Daniska

  • shaunemt
  • Canton, Ohio
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Creative Statement

6 Rules to be happy:

1.Love God
2. Free your heart from hatred
3. Free your mind from worries.
4. Live Simply
5. Give more
6. Expect less.

My Testimony

My name is Shaun Daniska and this is my story for His glory:
Well a string of events happened to get me here. It started a year ago when a guy at work asked if i wanted to play softball at First Friends. I signed up but being shy and quiet I almost backed out. I was placed on Pastor Stan's team. We finished the season and I went back to my ways. Stan contacted me a few times by email to talk and have coffee but I was always too busy with work.
I was drinking a few times a week. I was dating a lot and only thinking of myself. I met a woman that I fell for but it ended badly and she broke up with me. The day I found out I was deeply depressed and my anxiety was at the highest in my life. The Holy Spirit brought Pastor Stan to my mind and said contact him. I emailed him these exact words" Stan I really need to meet with you and I really need God in my life."
Stan and I started meeting once a week. He also gave me his number to call day or night if I needed to talk. He started to help me learn about the Bible and I couldn't stop reading it. I promised him I would attend the Worship Service too. I still remember that first day. I was so scared, my emotions were high with my anxiety. I came really early so I would be the first in and I sat in the very last seat in the back corner. I didn't know what to expect because I was raised Catholic. Once the service started I felt filled with the Holy Spirit and I felt like Pastor Stan was talking directly to me. The service was about having your Joy stolen by the grinch (Satan). The service moved me and I was crying the whole time and on the way home. I kept coming back to services and moving little by little up to the front. You will see me now one or two rows behind Stan.
As I look back now God was also bringing other people in my life and placing them like chess pieces to help me. There is a girl named Tracy that was a very strong Christian I met a few days after writing Stan. She would pray with me, and give me scriptures through my tough days that seemed to always pick me up. We talked a lot about God. Also a guy named Matt got hired at my work and he was a very strong Christian. I had to train him for the position and then he began to encourage me.
The night I gave my life over to God was January 19th 2012. I was reading the bible and just crying. I got on my knees on the side of my bed and said a prayer telling God I surrender my life over to you.
Being a Christian has not been all roses but God is molding me to make me a better person. Since I became a Christian I quit drinking. I lost all my friends but the benefits have far out weighted the negatives. Ive met some amazing people. I still meet with Stan on a regular basis, I'm beginning to meet with another gentleman to study the bible, and I'm attending more church groups and events.
God is changing me! I've found a passion for reading the bible which I never had before, I'm more patient with people because giving that time to someone could mean the world to that person and change their life. (Stan taught me that one.), I have more passion at my job, because I feel like my life has a purpose and I don't feel lost anymore, I'm starting school to become a nurse, and most importantly, I am cherishing my son and the time I have with him.
I found this quote from a book called "Not a Fan". It's all about becoming a "follower" of Jesus, not just a fan. I would like to share it with you as I finish.
"Following Jesus isn't something you can do at night where no one notices. It's a 24 hour a day commitment that will interfere with your life. That's not the small print - That's a guarantee."

I am a living example that God wants each of us to become "ONE Life restored and reaching one more". Thank you.

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