Media Bakery is one of North America's largest independent stock photo archives with 10M images from 190 image partners. We're partnering with Snapwire photographers to create a company collection.
In this challenge we're looking for images of farms, farmer's markets and agriculture. Landscapes, fields, tractors, tools, crops, buildings and other concepts that embody the industry of agriculture and growth. Please remember that these images should be centered around the concept of agriculture as opposed to a model, but if a model is used a model release will be required.
Please use natural light (aim to shoot 1/100th of a second and over expose by 1 f-stop to meet our style) and leave room for copy.
All nominated photos will be considered for our co-exclusive collection that be sold through Media Bakery's international network of photo agencies. Visit to see how we help business professionals, graphic art buyers, creative designers, directors and producers - big and small - succeed every day with images from our collection!
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